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261505301We all seek connection.

Desiring connection goes back to time immemorial, lying deep in our DNA, psyche, and need to connect with others. We seek relationships with others. When there is a conflict or failure in some manner, it can cause significant emotional distress.

We feel even more distressed when conflict happens to those closest to us, whether it be the family we grew up in, the one we created for ourselves as adults, or our extended family, including our grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. But I also include our friends, who, for many, become our chosen family.

A once strong family can be strained when an undercurrent of unpleasantness is present.

Families ebb and flow with times of feeling love, warmth, and security versus when things fall apart – and conflict leads to emotional unrest and disconnection from those most important to us. Times of conflict can strain the bonds formed among family members.

Family therapy will help us heal those broken bonds for those who had protected us, instilled values from when we were children, were there for us as adults, and ultimately provided us the help and love we receive going into our senior years.

1554475709What is family therapy?

Family therapy, when done well, can facilitate a safe place to dialogue with family members. That dialogue can help bridge those past and present misunderstandings that have created deep emotional hurts that aren’t addressed but instead avoided – layering hurt upon hurt to where conversations become stilted, superficial, or worse yet, non-existent.

Learning how to communicate your needs, be acknowledged, and be heard can heal those deep emotional injuries that have prevented you from being accessible to those closest to you. Family therapy can restore trust and safety, and most important of all, it can help you feel connected again to those you love and who love you.

Effective and proven – let me help you with EFT.

The most effective technique I know for genuinely bringing people together is the same technique I use to treat couples. Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is transformative because it connects people’s underlying issues and emotions, facilitating deep healing. I have seen it work time and again with great success.

If and when you and your loved ones are ready to address the hurts that have plagued your family relationships for years, I am ready to help facilitate that healing and understanding.